The Most Important Value of Free Expression

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Change is one of the things that keeps our world evolving. The change in the ecosystem, the change in technology, and the change in the change in ourselves. As the world changes, everyone needs a safe space to speak their minds and not be judged. When it comes to the government, if others have a chance to speak their minds and a safe space, people are less likely to resort to violence/homegrown terrorism, fewer people would get hurt and in return can help increase stable change.

Essentially talking to the people about what they want to be changed is what will grow their own government to be more powerful for the better. We have always had butting heads in politics because we like to have debates and not actually listen to what others have to say. We are too worried about making sure that someone is listening to us and not listening to a neighbor and what their thoughts are.

I found this cool video about these young adults that decided to sue the government because they felt that they weren't being heard. These people are fighting for stable change, why aren't you?
