Facebook and its Antitrust Investigations

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At the beginning of September, multiple states decided to launch an antitrust investigation on the widely-used social media app, Facebook. Within the investigation, they plan on targeting some very important key facts such as Facebook's widely-known impact on advertising in the internet world. Also, continuing to make sure consumer information is protected at all times.

In terms of advertisement, social media apps stay free on app stores by having corporations pay to advertise on their platforms. Having too many advertisements often clouds the ability to use the app for its original intended purposes. This later makes very unhappy users. We live in a world where almost everyone has their personal information on some sort of social platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. This is a very important investigation to keep up with because this generation practically keeps their whole lives published on social media. If it comes to a point where companies can use that personal information to their advantage. It is very important that anyone who has a social media app stays in the know when it comes to privacy acts and terms that they scroll all the way to the bottom without reading and press accept.
